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Tender Notices issued by CSPTCL
Approved Vendors List for Turnkey Contracts
Note: Tenders displayed with RFx Id will be processed through CSPC e-Bidding Portal. CSPC e-Bidding Portal  
Tender issued after 15.12.2021
Sr. No.Tender Issuing OfficeTender Notice No.Scope of WorkEstimated Cost(Rs.)Earnest Money Deposit (Rs.)Closing Date & Time for Submission of TenderDate & Time of Opening of TenderView Tender DocumentRemark/RFx ID for e-Bidding
1 ED (Transmission)02-19/Tender/P-44/645Requirement of Earthing cum Discharge rods for 400 KV S/s Dn., CSPTCL, Jagdalpur & 400 KV S/s Dn., CSPTCL, Raita. 3000/-16/10/2024 03:00PM16/10/2024 03:30PM
2 SE(400KV S/s) Circle, Raipur02-20/Tender/418Job work for Time synchronization of various Numerical Relays of 400/220/33 KV Feeders/Transformers/Bus bar/ NIFPS System etc. at 400 KV S/s Dn, CSPTCL, Bhilai 100016/10/2024 03:00PM16/10/2024 03:30PM
3 SE(400KV S/s) Circle, Raipur385 dtd. 11.09.2024NIT for Jobwork of fabrication of 04 Nos. current collector assembly (as per sample- Current carrying capacity-2000 Amp.) for 220 KV HIVELM Make isolator at 400 KV S/s Dn., CSPTCL, Bhilai. 1000/-04/10/2024 03:00PM04/10/2024 03:30PM
4 ED (Transmission)02-19/Tender/P-42/579Supply of Welding electrodes at workshop Dn. CSPTCL, Bhilai. 3000/-26/09/2024 03:00PM26/09/2024 03:30PM
5 SE(400KV S/s) Circle, Raipur02-20/Tender/346For supply of MCB TPN 415V of various current rating at 400KV S/s Dn CSPTCL, Bhilai. 50013/09/2024 03:00PM13/09/2024 03:30PM
6 ED (Transmission)02-19/Tender/P-41/534Providing 02 No. Peon & 01 No. Sweeper through Out Sourcing for the period of 01 year 6350/-13/09/2024 02:00PM13/09/2024 02:30PM
Tender Doc